Pre-defined Groups for Messaging and Sign-ups

Based on your permissions, you may have access to special pre-defined groups that you can target for emails, dashboard messages, sign-ups, and SMS text messages.

The table below lists these pre-defined groups and shows which school members will receive the message or sign-up invitation.

 Special Group Current Parents Teachers Staff Grandparents Alumni Parents
 All School    
 All Parents*        
 All Teachers*        
 All Staff      
 All Grandparents*        
 All Alumni Families         ✓ 

* Teachers, Parents, and Grandparents can also be targeted at the Grade or Class level.


Permission Requirements

 Special Group Permissions
 All School  [Messaging] Create Email/Dashboard Message - Unrestricted
 All Parents*  [Messaging] Create Email/Dashboard Message - Unrestricted
 All Teachers*  [Messaging] Create Email/Dashboard Message - Unrestricted
 All Staff  [Messaging] Create Email/Dashboard Message - Unrestricted
 All Grandparents*  [Messaging] Create Email/Dashboard Message - Unrestricted
 All Alumni Families

 [Messaging] Create Email/Dashboard Message - Unrestricted

 [Directory] Access Alumni Families

* You can restrict the user to just the classes or groups the user is associated with by assigning the "Create Email/Dashboard Message for Own Class/Group + Individuals" permission instead of the Unrestricted permission.




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