Choosing the event type

A sign-up event can be one or more of these event types:

  • Volunteer spots 
    Volunteer spots span the length of the event. So if the volunteer would need to be there the whole time this is your best option.

  • Bring stuff
    You can add specific notes about what people need to bring and quantities.

  • Timeslots
    Timeslots are best used for times when people will come for a certain amount of time. Examples include - Parent teacher conferences or an all day event where people might change out. (Shifts of volunteers)

    Time slots can also be preassigned to a person. For example if someone has already committed to volunteer.

    Time slots can also be blocked out. For example if an event goes from morning to afternoon you can block out time at lunch when volunteers won't be necessary. 



You can choose more than one type, since you may, for example, need to fill volunteer spots and have people bring items to your event.  This way, you don't have to create separate sign-ups -- one for volunteers and the other for bringing items -- to same event.

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