Configuration Options

This section allows you to customize the experience of Join Our Class for your users. 

1. Select the Admin tab.

2. Go to Configuration. 


You can choose whether to enable or disable features including the map view of the directory and attendance tracking.

Directory Privacy Settings

This allows you to customize the privacy settings for your school directory.

Staff users will be able to view all directory information, but parents can be restricted using these options.

You can choose whether parents can see each others' phone numbers or addresses as well as staff phone and addresses.

Automated Email Settings

If you choose to enable the weekly digest email, each user will receive a personalized email with a summary of blog posts and gallery photos from the previous week plus a list of upcoming calendar events that match their set filters for classes and groups, any "All School" events, and any sign-up events they have been invited to.  Users can optionally unsubscribe from these email digests by setting their "Communication Preferences" or simply by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the weekly digest email.


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