SMS Pricing

SMS texting through Join Our Class (JOC) is provided as a BYOA (Bring Your Own Account) using Twilio.

All SMS text related costs will be charged by Twilio to your Twilio account.  There is no additional cost for the SMS feature from JOC on top of your existing plan cost.

The cost structure from Twilio is as follows (based on Twilio pricing on November 15, 2016)

  • Monthly charge for the Twilio phone number ($1/month)
  • Cost per text message delivered** ($0.0075/text message)

When you setup your Twilio account (either through JOC or directly), you will need to add a credit card on file with Twilio and they will charge you $20 as an initial balance to use against any SMS text messages you send.  If you do not add a credit card or have an available balance, the SMS text messages will not be sent.  It is also a good idea to enable "Auto Recharge" so that your SMS texting service does not get interrupted when the balance falls to zero.

** This is the cost per destination phone number that the message is sent to.  So, if you send 1 JOC SMS message to a group of 100 recipients, the cost for that message would be 100 x $0.0075 = $0.75

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